Monday, January 9, 2012

An open letter to myself, circa 2001

Hey little girl, yeah you, in the over-sized t-shirt, with the clipboard in your lap and your hair falling down into your face. Write that letter harder, honey. Tell them how you hate the war, how we're killing innocent people and how peace is the answer. Call your congressman one more time, even though they know your name, even though you can hear the eye rolls through the phone. I know you’re afraid they won’t listen, but you know, one day this war will be more than just an idea you don’t like. Write your letter, because on a day that seems forever away to you and a blink of an eye for me, the war that you’re writing against will stop taking strangers and take your sweet man. One day, your dream proposal will be from a terrified little boy trembling and asking if you’d like to marry him before he deploys. You will. So write harder, because maybe, just maybe if you do, someone will listen. Maybe if you write a little harder, they’ll keep him at home.

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